There is a thickness in the air,
Restricting me from breathing.
The sensation of happiness has gone,
Leaving only a sadness feeling.
Looking toward the news,
Another tragedy has happened today.
Between the bombing and explosions,
I know now that no one is safe.
I mourn for those lives lost,
Lives of familes destroyed today.
I wish there is something I could do,
To make their pain and tears go away.
It was all of a sudden,
And there was nothing could have been done.
But in the mist of the pain and tears,
We ask GOD why he let this happen.
But I continue to keep my faith in HIM,
And try to move on.
Keep praying for those families of those vicitims,
And continue to stay strong.
My heart aches for you all,
I shed my tears for you along the way.
May GOD continue to be with you all,
For he will never leave your side, but will always stay.
*This is in memory for the lives lost and destroyed by the tragedies from the Boston Marathon and Waco, Texas explosions. *
By: Ashley M. Ashley c2013
MD Productions
MD Productions